If you are currently looking for a job, but are finding it difficult to get noticed, then you are not alone. With the recent economic crisis still in full effect, unemployment is high for trade jobs, unskilled jobs and graduate jobs, and this means that there is much more demand for a decreasing number of job vacancies. To get over this problem, you need to make yourself look as attractive as possible and stand out from the crowd, and the following points will help you achieve this.
1. CV content and formatting – A CV can be made in a particular style, from skills based, to education based and employment based. For graduate jobs, an education based CV is best, as you won’t have much work experience to include. No matter what style you go for, you need to ensure that you list your traits, skills and achievements, with reference to examples, academic or otherwise.
2. Portfolios – Employers are becoming more and more picky due to a high demand for jobs. This means that you want to provide more than just a CV and job experience if you want to be sure to get noticed. Putting together a portfolio of relevant work is a good option, which can be digitized and sent as an attachment with a covering letter.
3. Blogging – Nothing lets an employer know your interest in a given field than a blog, and setting one up is a great idea. Blogs are great because they are flexible, and also allow you to get connected with other like minded individuals, which also helps you to network yourself to open up new opportunities.
4. Social media – Forming a social presence through sites like Twitter and Facebook is a good idea, and employers often check social media accounts to see if you have a high enough interest for the relevant subject. Again, social media increases your exposure to relevant individuals, companies and organizations in the field you want to work in. Also, be careful with what you say and do on social media sites, and being careless with your professional image can come back to haunt you.
5. Work experience – Graduate employers are more likely to offer graduate jobs to students who have done relevant work experience or placements in industry, so it is definitely a good idea to find work experience, especially in the summer months between years at university.