If you want to save money on your utility bills you can look to switch energy supplier, alternatively one of the best ways to reduce your costs is to simply use less energy. Reducing your energy consumption can be done in both the winter and in summer months.
During the winter:
Heating – Most people turn their heating off in the summer and then turn it on again round about October time. A simple way to use less energy is simply leave it until as late as possible to turn the heating on for winter. When you do so, try turning the thermostat down 1°C from your normal temperature. Just a 1°C decrease all year round will cut your heating bills by about 10% and knock about £50 off your annual energy bill.
Make sure you only have your heating on when you’re at home and you need it on. If you’re out at work all day this will generally be first thing in the morning when you’re getting up and early evening until bedtime.
Hot water – As with the heating, only have your hot water programmed to come on when you need it. Depending on when you typically shower or take a bath, this will normally be first thing in the morning and/or in the evening. You’re wasting energy if you have your water continually being heated when you won’t use it, so with the help of your online information on your consumption keep a record of your usage patterns and set your timer accordingly.
Also make sure your hot water isn’t too hot. Your cylinder thermostat should be set at 60°C or 140°F.
During the summer:
Heating – A simple step to use less energy in the summer is to turn your heating off as soon as it’s warm enough to do so. Too many people leave their heating on for too long, and some all the way through the summer, when it’s rarely necessary.
Air conditioning – The occasional heat wave means some people have invested in domestic air conditioning units. Although a welcome relief from high temperatures, air conditioning uses a lot of energy. If you have air conditioning, use it sparingly and turn it off when you’re not at home.
Company Profile:
First Utility is an energy company with a difference. We want to help you understand your energy usage, reduce your carbon footprint and ensure you receive accurate bills.
For more information about how you can save energy and reduce your utility bills please visit