Moving is never easy, but there are just times where you have to push away all of your negative feelings about it and move somewhere else. Work might be encouraging you to move, but what if they’re not willing to help you pay for the costs of relocation? Your first instinct might be to say that you would rather miss out on whatever promotion is being offered, but do you really want that? Wouldn’t it be better to think about your family’s needs before just blowing off something this important? Of course! If you’re not sure where to get a good relocation loan from, you might immediately think about payday loans. While payday loans definitely have their place, you may want to try social lending first.

Real people stand behind each loan, which means that they will completely understand if you’re not fully on board with the whole traditional banking process. It’s better to reach out to regular people first to see what they can do for you. You just need to make sure that you’re being clear with your proposal.

The proposal is the most important thing, because you will need to state your case. If you have credit problems, you will also need to highlight that it won’t create problems when it comes to paying the loans back. Some lenders want to know why you got into debt trouble in the first place. If you were in debt due to being ill and you’re all better now, don’t be afraid to share that. It’s all about making sure that you focus on the positive. Talk about your dreams of starting over, building something better. These are classic themes that everyone can understand — you don’t have to get too mushy, but it is important to highlight what’s important here. If you only stick to the facts, people may skip over your proposal in favor of someone else’s, because the other person took the time to really share what they were thinking at all times. It’s going to be completely up to you to figure out just how to proceed. Don’t feel like it’s something that you have to give up on if you’re really passionate. It’s quite possible to get where you want to go if you think about it — social lending can definitely make it happen, so don’t hesitate to look into it a little bit more. After all, what do you honestly have to lose?

By Jasmina