Are you looking at trying to take your financial blueprint to the next level? Then it’s definitely time to look at Barclaycard. There are plenty of amazing deals going on, but if you never look for better credit options how can you honestly take advantage of them? You will just have to look at what’s available to figure out the fastest way to take action. Thankfully, we have a few things to highlight for you to save you some time in the research department.
Barclaycard is doing a deal for new customers that allows you to get 15 months of 0% interest on both purchases and balance transfers. That’s absolutely incredible when you think about it, because then you aren’t going to have to worry about interest right when you’re trying to refine your spending.
It goes back to what David Chan, the chief executive of Barclaycard Consumer Europe said, “We’re very excited to be offering even better value and such a huge amount of choice to new customers; from those wanting to manage their money better, to those seeking to build a credit history.”
That’s right — there are even more options than just the 15 / 15 deal stated.
There’s also a market leading 22 month 0% balance transfer off that also gives you 30 GBP discount on the transfer fee, as well as a low balance transfer fee card that gives you 17 months of fees at only 1.6%. Another powerful way to control your finances, for sure!
What about if you’re new to credit completely? In the past, there weren’t very many options, but that’s all changed now with Barclaycard Initial — you get 0% interest on all purchases for the first three months, even when you have no credit history to speak of! This is a great way to build your credit.
Ready to find out more and apply for a new credit card? Don’t hesitate — do it now before May 31st!