Saving money is really important, and when you’re trying to get married this is definitely a lesson that every new couple has to learn very quickly. If you’re not careful with money, you will end up not being able to hold onto the money for very long. You will just end up having a lot of trouble in the long run and who wants to really deal with that?
So, what about wedding insurance cover? This coverage protects your big day from disaster. If the venue suddenly becomes booked up — you’ll have the money refunded to you. What about if the caterer doesn’t deliver? That can be covered as well.
If your suppliers start going under, your big day might be clouded by these disasters. You’re going to have to think about a lot of different factors that are going to come into play.
First and foremost is the cost. If you have a large wedding, then wedding cover definitely makes sense. However, if you’re already on a shoestring budget, you might not be able to afford the policy. You can justify the policy because it’s going to cover you, but you also want to be able to afford the deductible involved with the claim. That’s the problem — people don’t think about what it’s going to cost for the insurance to actually kick in.
You also want to make sure that you’re looking into what you really want and don’t want with your wedding. Liability insurance cover is just as important as cancellation cover — if someone gets injured at the venue you’ve chosen, the venue may not be willing to step in — they’re going to want to make sure that you’re properly protected. We live in a society that likes to throw out lawsuits everywhere, over everything, all of the time. So that means that you really do need to be covered.
If guests know that you have sizable assets coming into the marriage, there may be increased risks of accidents being done mainly to try to get a settlement. Good insurance cover for your wedding day can protect your assets on one of the most important milestone days of your life.
It may seem silly to try to plan for all of these uncertainties, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run. If you are going to go with insurance cover for your wedding day, it really does pay to shop around and really make sure that you know exactly what you want to have covered.
Also, make sure that you check that your existing insurance policies don’t overlap. That’s always a good idea, because you may have already taken out an umbrella liability policy to catch some of these problems. If that’s the case, then you may be able to adjust coverage accordingly.
Hang in there, get ready for the big day, and rest in the knowledge that wedding insurance cover is there to help you catch these uncertainties before they get out of control!