Planning the finances for your business can sometimes be difficult when you have so many things to think about, from products and sales, to staff, payroll, tax- the list is endless. It can help to have a fresh pair of eyes to help you make sense of it all. That’s where corporate financial planning advice comes in handy.

How Corporate Financial Planning Advice Can Help You

Advice on your business’s financial plan can help you sustain and grow your business, make sure you comply with all the tax and accounting legislation, as well as help you manage your staff, your wealth, your risk and planning your succession.

Sustaining and Growing Your Business

A good financial adviser, who aims to sustain and grow your business, will help make clear the areas in which you can save money and benefit you. These can include making sure that you’re benefitting from the supplier discounts, the best tariffs and insurance rates, that you’re optimising billing and collection strategy and that you’re making the most of tax legislation. Helping your business grow through financial planning includes ensuring an excellent business plan, internal structuring and business financing.


Compliance for accounting and tax is important not only for success, but also for the smooth and efficient running of your business. It lets third parties know that you are professional and proficient in what you do.


Effective management of staff can help you make the most of your assets to help your business grow and thrive. A corporate financial adviser can help review your employment contracts for compliance for best practice, review your handbooks, health and safety procedures, insurance policies, as well as ensuring best practice for HR strategies.

Wealth management needs to be disciplined, methodical and strategic, whether that’s in relation to your personal or corporate finances. A financial adviser will advise you on an appropriate strategy, help with the implementation of strategies, investment and pensions, inheritance and will help you with treasury management.

Management of risk can help you streamline processes and systems that can potentially hinder growth if not kept updated. Regular reviews of what is needed help lower costs and increase efficiency so your business can sustain and grow.


Succession is an issue that is often overlooked when it comes to business. As soon as you begin to experience success, it should be something that is thought about. As a business owner, you want your business to carry on after you retire or leave the company, which means leaving it in someone else’s hands. Succession planning can be quite complicated, and a financial adviser can help clear the muddied waters, through the review of several key features- business and shareholding structures, inheritance tax planning, management structure, and a review of options such as retirement or sale of the business.

A financial adviser is invaluable to help minimise your costs, maximise your business’s value and fulfil its potential.

By Jasmina